The problem of uncollected claims occurs for both the legal and the natural entities. Considering the legal and statutory framework and the issues associated with the collection procedure, it is extremely important to pay attention to the ability of meeting contractual obligations prior to the conclusion of any contract, regardless of the entity in question. Quality and timely preparation facilitates business transactions and even accelerates the process in the event of the coercive collection procedure.

Our legal team provides counselling services in the preparation of the procedure of insurance and debt collection, examining the creditworthiness of the opposite party (liquidity, solvency), drawing up of insurance payment instruments (debenture bonds, promissory notes, collateral contract, enforcement clauses within the contracts and other items) and representation in enforcement and litigation procedures for debt collection.

We offer the services of debt collection in out-of-court and court proceedings, and we adapt the collection schedule to the features of the client we are representing in said matter and the type of debt and debtor. The collection methods we use comply with the legal and statutory regulations, and our timely and adequate approach to collection reduces the procedural timeframe and increases the probability of collection.

Regardless of the business market on which our clients operate, our team provides a complete and customised legal assistance in the process of debt collection, and, owing to the extensive experience, ensures the efficient collection of our clients` debts, which contributes to the clients` flexibility, increases their liquidity and cash flow and enables them to completely focus on their primary business operation.

We justify the trust awarded to our team by our clients with a professional approach in the process of debt collection. With our conscientious and committed approach to the clients` demands, we offer personalised solutions to our mutual satisfaction in the process of debt collection.

Intellectual property as an intangible, non-material asset represents one of the most delicate forms of man-made products created by the physical realisation of a concept, whose benefits have the utmost social value, and hence deserves adequate legal protection.

Intellectual property may be purchased, sold, licenced, hence an adequate legal protection system has been developed for such type of property.

In the framework of the intellectual property right of a certain legal or natural entity, our legal team provides comprehensive legal assistance and counselling in compliance with the clients` strategic objectives.

In the field of intellectual property law and copyright law, the services offered by our team to the clients include protection services and enforcement of protection services, registration of trademarks, patents, legal aspects of tax issues, licencing, joint ventures and assignment of intellectual property rights.

The services also include counselling and drawing up of copyright legal contracts, representation in copyright disputes, preparation and drawing up of documentation required for the registration of all types of intellectual property and representation in intellectual property disputes.

The complexity of business transactions of companies requires adequate regulation of the relations between the company members, which consequently results in the stability of business operation and achievement of the company objectives.

In the context of company law, and considering the formalities prescribed by the Companies Act and other regulations, we provide services which range from the preparation and drawing up of documentation for the establishment of a company, subsidiaries and branches and merger and consolidation of companies. Numerous status changes which may occur during the business operation of a company, and which may be observed in the framework of companies law, include increase (decrease) of equity, acquisition of business shares of a company (drawing up of a contract on the assignment of rights), restructuring of companies, counselling related to the liquidation of a company, acquisition of joint-stock companies, securities market law and representation in disputes under the competence of commercial courts. We also offer services of representation in the process of registration in the court registries before the competent commercial courts.

By implementing the knowledge and experience gained in the practice of company law, we provide counselling to our clients in the context of company protection from harmful conduct of company members and solutions in the event of conflict of interest between the company members, participation in negotiations and review of documentation in the acquisition, consolidation and privatisation procedures.

From the legal aspect, we provide assistance in the process of due diligence of companies and legal counselling of the interested party (prospective purchaser of the company) in the process of acquisition, consolidation or privatisation by reducing the potential risk of the interested party to a minimum. In that context, our attorneys-at-law conduct analysis of current and future effects of the existing contracts of the company subjected to analysis, and all legal obligations arising from the organisational structure of the analysed company, employment relations (employment contracts, employment contract annexes, managerial contracts, labour disputes), legal and statutory provisions (tax and financial regulations, restrictions in terms of intellectual property), determining ownership of real properties.

Our legal team dedicates a substantial amount of their time in understanding the needs of our clients and entirely adapts the counselling services in the field of commercial law to the individual needs of our clients. The experience gained through everyday activities enables us to provide practical advice to the companies with which we collaborate in the environment of complex legal regulation and challenges.

Employment relations represent a complex aspect of general social relations on a business level which require regulation in the framework of legal and statutory legislation. In order to avoid situations which may in any way harm the employer or the employee, the legal profession provides adequate support, and its absence would make business transactions extremely difficult.

Within the labour law, we provide legal services which usually include entering and termination of employment, protection of persons and exercise of their rights stemming from employment, systems of disciplinary and substantive liability of participants in the employment relation, material rights and obligations stemming from employment, and the right of associations of employees (unions) and employers (employer associations).

In the field of labour law, our legal team provides counselling services to employers/employees on the rights and obligations stemming from employment, legal counselling during the process of entering into an employment relation (drawing up of employment contracts, temporary service contracts, managerial contracts, collective contracts), preparation of general enactments and the employers` work regulations and decisions from the domain of labour law, and representation of employers and employees in labour disputes and situations of work-related injuries, etc.

In the field of material rights and obligations arising from the employment relations, our team provides legal counselling in situations of payment of salaries and severance pays, unused leave payments, and legal support in the preparation of the employees` bonus system.

The legality and monitoring of collecting and processing of personal data is currently the focus of global interest in the field of personal data protection. Every natural and legal entity is entitled to personal data protection and protection in the process of collection and processing of their data. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which officially entered into force in Croatia in May 2018 modernised the legal framework of personal data protection. Its objective is to simplify individual rights and emphasise the obligations and responsibilities of individuals and institutions whose business transaction include collection and processing of clients` personal data.

In the field of personal data protection, our team provides legal counselling in all aspects of personal data protection (collection, processing and transfer of personal data) in the country and abroad including their export outside of the Republic of Croatia into the territory outside of the Safe Harbour List. We also offer service of preparing the contract on the transfer of personal data and the delivery of the contract on the transfer of personal data to the Personal Data Protection Agency for their opinion on the existence of adequate level of protection.

The comprehensive support of our team includes the services related to the collection and processing of personal data, including the preparation of specials consent forms and other documents, and the registration of personal data databases.

In terms of land-registry law, rules have been defined which regulate the processes of registering real properties and pertaining rights in the land registries (Land Registries Act, Act on Title and Other Substantive Rights, Land-Registry Rules of Procedure).

Legal and natural entities ensure their legal protection in terms of real property transactions by executing registration in the land registries. This process often involves numerous complex procedures of administrative and judicial nature; hence they definitely require professional legal assistance.

In the field of land-registry law and real property law, our team provides services which include representation in the procedures of apportioning of condominium units (establishing title of certain parts of real properties – flat, commercial premises, garage) and land-registry registration. Our team also provides representation in procedures regarding rental, lease, protected tenancy status, acquisition of ownership right, cancellation of right, moving out and/or other pertaining rights.

In the framework of land-registry law, our team offers legal counselling and preparation of relevant contracts and representation in proceedings before land-registry departments, cadastre and other competent authorities, and property inquiries, status inquiries in the cadastre and land registries

The following services are also entrusted to our team and form part of the comprehensive efficient legal assistance in the field of land-registry law: preparation of sale and purchase contract/contract on the property encumbrance, counselling and representation in the process of registering substantive rights in the land registries, counselling, preparation and analysis of construction contracts, and representation in property disputes and property right disputes.

It often occurs, particularly in lengthy disputes, that the parties start feeling lost and powerless in reaching a resolution of their disputes, and that the “drive” they had before they instituted the proceedings is now replaced by resignation due to the “slow hand of justice”. In such cases of lengthy disputes, the initial desire to reach a favourable judgement is often replaced by disappointment caused by the failure to reach a final judgement and by the increase in procedural costs.

The process of mediation or conciliation facilitates the resolution of certain disputes with constructive dialogue or negotiation between the opposing parties achieved through a professional third-party mediator which helps them find a resolution in their common interests. Mediation re-establishes communication interrupted by the dispute, the confrontation is replaced by dialogue, and the parties have the opportunity to tell their own side of the story and reach a settlement on their own which is not imposed by any third party.

Our Law Firm provides mediation services to our clients by an experienced and impartial mediator who assists in the resolution of disputes between the opposing parties in court or out-of-court proceedings.

Mediation or conciliation does not exclude the possibility of a court resolution of disputes but rather offers an alternative when the parties in a dispute want to terminate the disputed situation to their mutual satisfaction.